Top 5 vegetables for your daily ration that can help you lose excessive weight

When we want to make our daily ration tasty, diverse, and healthy, the first group of foods we have to turn our attention to is vegetables. They give us plenty of options concerning the dishes we may cook. Besides, we can always eat them raw so that not any nutrient could be lost.

The best thing about some vegetables it that they are also great fat-burners. You can eat them without being afraid to gain some extra weight. Here is our top-5 list of the best vegetables for weight loss.


Staying hydrated is very important if we want to lose weight safe for our health. Cucumber contains about 80% of water and few calories. Besides, there is a lot of tartaric acid in the cucumber pulp, which prevents the carbs to be turned into fat deposits. And we shouldn’t forget about the fiber, which is plenty in this vegetable. It stimulates digestion, reduces bad cholesterol levels, and provides a detoxifying effect.

lose excessive weight


Tomatoes intensify the metabolic processes thus helping to burn the fats. Besides, they are storage of zinc, calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, B, B3, C. Tomatoes are also the source of bioflavonoids and antioxidants that will make you feel good.


No fats – no extra pounds. Spinach is a perfect match for people losing weight. This leafy green veggie contains much water and proteins, and very little carbs. Hence, you get the materials for building up your muscles and not fat deposits.

In addition, spinach is a source of fiber, iron, calcium, magnesium, and a whole bunch of vitamins.


Forget about the smell. The only thing you have to remember about when you eat onion is that it helps to get rid of fats. Besides, it has strong detoxifying and immunity-protective effects, which are good for losing some excessive weight.


No matter what kind of pepper you prefer, chili or paprika, both will do good to your weight-loss-ration. The first burns the fats due to an increase in body temperature, which happens because of the natural reaction to the burning taste of the vegetable.

Paprika is a source of capsaicin, which also works well for dealing with overweight.