Ingredients that increase a production of testosterone and libido are extremely necessary for the male body. Vitamins such as A, В1, В3, В6, В9, С, Е and D, and minerals such as Zinc, Selenium, Magnesium and Calcium have a positive effect on the sexual function.
The therapy of the erectile dysfunction sometimes does not need the use of the medications. It is enough to set the healthy diet and add some important ingredients to your menu. Scientists and dietarian have proved that there is a list of food products which may replace any medication for the treatment of the erectile dysfunction including Cialis.
However, there are not only useful food products but also harmful ones. For example, if a man takes fatty food, junk food, it will have a bad influence on his sexual abilities. This food is not rich in vitamins and is not useful. It contains a high amount of cholesterol, may cause pancreatic diabetes and obesity. These are the main enemies of the male sexual health.
Therefore, the first thing you should do during the development of the erectile dysfunction symptoms is to set healthy diet and enrich your menu with useful ingredients.
Food products increasing the male potency are as follows:
- Nuts: peanuts, pistachios, walnuts
- Fruit: oranges, lemons, figs, pomegranates.
- Vegetables: all kind of onions – green onion, leek, yellow onion.
- Eggs: Chicken and quail.
Let’s talk about Freud who has stated that such products as mushrooms, honey and seafood increase the sexual abilities of a man. Seafood has a lot of useful ingredients for men. Pay attention to mussels, shellfish, blue mussels, and shrimps. These products improve the erection and increase libido, testosterone level, and improve the quality of the seminal fluid.
Spermatozoa is nothing but a concentrate of nucleic acid and biologically active ingredients required for their synthesis: protein, phosphorus, cholesterol, calcium, selenium, zinc, and potassium. These useful ingredients may be found in any seeds, nuts, grains, and also sesame, carrot seeds, chestnuts, pistachio nuts, and beans. These products should be used if a man has an erectile dysfunction and a disorder of the reproductive function.
The nature offers a wide choice of products to improve the sexual health. All these products are available to every man. They are not always delicious and are not attractive but the benefit is more than during the use of the medications.
The advantage of the healthy diet is that food rich in vitamins and minerals regulates the work of the body for many years. The pills just give a temporal effect, and the control of your menu will help to get rid of the erectile dysfunction.