How to avoid prostatitis

Prostatitis is a very dangerous and, unfortunately, very incredibly often-observed disease affecting a significant part of the entire worldwide make population. The causes of this condition are quite diverse, but mainly associated with the neglect of health – unfortunately, this is a common problem for most men. The most essential causes include the following:how to avoid prostatitis

  • STD of various nature
  • circulatory disorders in the pelvic tissues and organs usually associated with a sedentary lifestyle
  • immunity-related diseases
  • frequent hypothermia, which is typical for those men who engage in extreme winter sports
  • prolonged and/or serious stresses
  • hormonal imbalance
  • deficiency of various vitamins and trace elements
  • non-compliance with the demands of personal hygiene.

Treatment of acute prostatitis a very complicated procedure, which becomes even more sophisticated in case of the chronic disease. It can be long, extremely unpleasant, and not as effective as desired. Therefore, men need to take measures to prevent this disease, which is especially significant for those men who belong to the groups with an increased incidence of the illness. For instance, it is reported that both anal sex and promiscuous sexual behavior tend to increase the risk of developing. Overweight, prolonged sexual abstinence and sedimentary lifestyle also create a predisposition for the development of non-infectious prostatitis.

In order to prevent the illness, you may consider the following measures:preventive of prostatitis

  • Keep to a healthy active lifestyle
  • Do regular physical exercises at least twice a week
  • Avoid stresses, especially those stresses that may be subconsciously associated with the sexual sphere
  • Maintain regular sex life, avoid prolonged abstinence and frequent changes of sexual partners
  • In order to avoid sexually transmitted infections, use barrier contraception
  • Switch to a healthy diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and proteins
  • Avoid foods with high-fat content
  • In case of even the slightest discomfort in the pelvic region, do not neglect the doctor’s consultation.

Remember that the therapy of the initial stage of prostatitis is much simpler and more efficient.